
Not Risking It: Children and Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction in the Education Sector

Services : Communications; DRRM

Location : Malaysia

Year : 2021

Client : UNICEF Malaysia and MERCY Malaysia

Participation and contribution of children and youth towards climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) initiatives and in policy-making processes are integral in ensuring that the future generation is not only more prepared and resilient but also assume a prime role as “agents of change” towards the development of the country.

Responding the CCA – DRR nexus with issues of sustainable development, children’s rights and protection, and the COVID-19 pandemic, require urgent attention. This lab addressed challenges and gaps in CCA and DRR policies and implementation in Malaysia, and recommended for the country to have its own comprehensive strategic and action plan for transformative CCA and DRR in ensuring coherence, synergy and impact.

To read the report, please go to: